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‘Prince’ Ezeimo and his bleeding lies



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By Christian ABURIME

In the labyrinthine world of political discourse, truth and falsehood often dance a perilous waltz, and the pen is said to be mightier than the sword. Yet, when wielded by those with malicious intent, the pen can become a tool of deceit rather than enlightenment, and truth can become a captive of manipulation.

Such is the case with Janus-like so called  ‘Prince’ Ikenga Tony Ezeimo, a man who has proven time and again that he is unworthy of the princely title he so boldly flaunts.

His recent garbage rant, framed as an “Open Letter to His Excellency, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, Governor of Anambra State” and titled “Anambra is Bleeding,” is a glaring example of his penchant for falsehoods and duplicity, a fact that becomes all the more evident when one examines his track record.

With the notoriety of a Machiavellian schemer, Ezeimo has woven an epistolary tale of parody and fallacy against Governor Soludo, making wild spurious claims and passing flawed verdicts, seeking to manipulate public perception for his nefarious ends. It is a dance we have seen before, an all-too-familiar charade that must be unmasked.

But first, let us provide a conceptual background for Tony Ezeimo’s duplicitous misadventure. In 1513, over 500 years ago, the Italian diplomat, philosopher, and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli published a controversial seminal work in political theory, titled “The Prince”. Basically, Machiavelli’s emphasis is on the notion that the ends justify the means, making ‘Machiavellian’ a term synonymous with political cunning and manipulation.

In “The Prince”, Machiavelli speaks of those who achieve power through deceit, who cloak their true intentions behind a veneer of respectability. As a noteworthy universal theme, “The Prince” seems to take it for granted that depraved acts are justified if they can help attain political gains. Prince Tony Ezeimo is such a Machiavellian prince steeped in intellectual and moral depravity for selfish political and pecuniary ends.

The reason is obvious: his latest attack disguised as a letter to Governor Charles Soludo is a recycled litany of falsehoods, a near-carbon copy of his October 13, 2020 diatribe against former Governor Willie Obiano titled “Anambra is Sinking”, published online on Odogwu Blog. The striking similarity between the two articles, with mere alterations in names, dates and other details, exposes Ezeimo’s depraved agenda.

Shamelessly or shamefully, lacking any real mental depth or tangible case against Governor Soludo, Ezeimo set out with pathetic self-regurgitation. Let’s see a few examples of his lazy copy-and-paste effort that renders his entire “Anambra is Bleeding” tirade a disposable trash. In his 2020’s “Anambra is Sinking” letter to former Governor Obiano, Ezeimo’s opening statement “Sequel to your reelection bid, there were high hopes in Anambra State. Many Ndi-Anambra believed that your second tenure will be far better than your first tenure” becomes addressed to Governor Soludo in 2024 as “Sequel to your election bid, there were high hopes in Anambra State. Many Ndi Anambra believed that your reign as a Governor will put a permanent end to a couple of misdeeds of the poor governance we experienced under Akpokudike Aguleri and his brothers.”

He goes on. “Your Excellency, Anambra State of today, is everything short of what it should be. Anambra is sinking!!!” becomes “Your Excellency, Anambra State of today is everything Anambra should not be. Anambra Is Bleeding!!!” Lies. Then, Ezeimo goes on to copy and paste other endless false ramblings: The legacy of the revered Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu is being “polarised, bastadized, mesmerized and privatized” Lies.; Local Government elections not conducted. Twisted; MOUs signed by the government are not effective. Clueless.; Lack of projects. Is Ezeimo blind?; Government officials are extortionists for collecting taxes. Dumb assumption; and so on.

Aside pathetically rambling on other copy-and-paste trivialities, Ezeimo also mischievously criticised Governor Soludo on security, the African Dubai vision, roads, and education. On security, his statement “Your Excellency, Anambra before your coming was better secured. Our lives and properties were safe under Chief Obiano” exposes a brazen lie and self-contradiction. It was open knowledge that Anambra before Governor Soludo was under the vicious grip of daredevil Unknown Gun Men who perpetrated all manner of atrocities. This was the first challenge Governor Soludo decisively confronted when he assumed office as he drastically reduced criminality and made life safer in Anambra. Then, how disingenuous of Ezeimo to have denigrated Governor Obiano’s era as “Anambra is Sinking” in 2020 and now declared “Our lives and properties were safe under Chief Obiano” in criticism of Governor Soludo’s government? Is someone thinking straight here?

On Governor Soludo’s vision of transforming Anambra into an African Dubai, Ezeimo, just like his fellow clueless critics, fails to grasp how vision translates to reality. The thriving Dubai that we know today took decades of laying critical foundations to arrive. Modern flourishing Singapore took much longer. And so are other prosperous global economies. What Governor Soludo has done within over two years is laying the foundational fulcrum of infrastructure, human and governance transformation upon which the Anambra of a Dubai nature will emerge. Does Ezeimo expect the Dubai-Taiwan vision to arrive in only two years?

The vision is being constructed in a strategic manner, brick by brick with reforms in security, road infrastructure, energy, education, healthcare, industrialization, ICT, investment, environment, urban regeneration, agriculture, transportation, and so on. For more details, critics willing to learn the truth can find records of Governor Soludo’s many foundational achievements online. Just a little search puts the lie to Ezeimo’s inanities.

On roads, Ezeimo first thanked and commended Governor Soludo for constructing roads. Then, in a fit of mischief, he turned around to disparage the roads being constructed as “substandard”. This sounds like the exasperations of a confused mind. Can Ezeimo mention which of the constructed roads are “substandard” instead of making a sweeping general statement of falsehood? Or perhaps, is Ezeimo also a civil engineer who could technically ascertain the standards of roads in addition to his expertise in engineering propaganda and fallacy?

On education, Ezeimo once again betrayed either crass ignorance or willful distortion of reality in questioning Governor Soludo. Hear him: “Your Excellency, as a member of the Academia and an Erudite Professor of international standard, can you tell us how many Anambra students have you sent to various developed countries of the world on fully funded scholarships to learn the newest technological innovations as your Northern counterparts do?? Don’t you know that if these students are sent abroad to learn and compete with their mates across the globe, they will come back to generate technological innovations that will put Anambra State in a world map.” Plain ignorant questions!

Was Ezeimo living under a prehistoric cave when news after news of Anambra students winning national and international academic competitions keeps flooding in since last year? Did he not read or hear about how Anambra students went to Malaysia, leading Team Nigeria, to beat other contestants from different nations in a competition? Or how three female students from Anambra recently won a national ICT challenge in Abuja?

Since Governor Soludo came to office, he has been intentional about unleashing the prodigious potential of Anambra State students to enable them excel nationally and globally. The governor last year hired 5,000 teachers at a go for schools across the state and he is recruiting many more. He has also abolished fees and other fees in public schools to ensure every student has access to education and to relieve their parents of financial burdens. ICT equipment and resources are being invested in for our schools, while many other educational infrastructure are being upgraded. So, what exactly is Ezeimo griping about?

Obviously, Ezeimo is simply waltzing in tomfoolery while thinking he is playing the music of de-marketing for Governor Soludo. In concluding his lazy copy-and-paste garbage, he asked Governor Obiano in “Anambra is Sinking”: “Finally Your Excellency, do you think that your beautiful daughter; Dr. Gechi Obiano will be proud to come back from America to live and work in Anambra because her Father; the Governor has put Anambra State in the global plane of civilisation???”

In “Anambra is Bleeding”, Ezeimo said, “Finally, Your Excellency, do you think that your ‘wonderful’ Son Ozonna Soludo will be proud to come back from UK to live and work in Anambra because his father; the Governor has put Anambra in the global plane of civilization???” This lazy recycling of misinformation underscores not only Ezeimo’s lack of originality but also his lack of respect for the intelligence of his readers.

Ezeimo’s modus operandi is transparent: he is a mercenary propagandist, his pen for hire to the highest bidder. This became evident when, on June 26, 2021, he also penned a sycophantic piece on Notch News Online titled “Ifeanyi, Son of Ubah: A Child Destined to Save His People.” In this article, he lavished praise on Ifeanyi Ubah, a political rival to the incumbent Governor Soludo. The stark contrast between his vitriolic attacks on Soludo and Obiano and his sycophantic adulation of Ubah lays bare his duplicity and the forces behind the Ezeimo’s mask.

So, the allegations Ezeimo levels against Governor Soludo in “Anambra is Bleeding” are as baseless as they are repetitive. By regurgitating his past accusations against Obiano, Ezeimo reveals a lack of originality and an overreliance on smear tactics. His claims are not only unfounded but also a deliberate attempt to mislead the public and tarnish the reputation of a governor who has demonstrated commendable leadership.

As the next gubernatorial election approaches, it is imperative for the people of Anambra to remain vigilant against the machinations of deceitful writers like Tony Ezeimo, especially now that he has been appointed an aide to Senate President Godswill Akpabio, courtesy of Senator Ifeanyi Ubah, an APC guber aspirant. His pattern of attacking incumbents and eulogizing rivals is not a coincidence but a calculated strategy to serve the interests of those who seek to undermine genuine progress for their political gain.

In conclusion, Prince Tony Ezeimo stands unmasked as a vacuous, hired prince. Governor Charles Soludo’s accomplishments speak for themselves, and no amount of baseless attacks can diminish the positive impact of his administration on Anambra State. The people deserve better than Ezeimo’s recycled falsehoods; they deserve the truth. We call on Ndi Anambra to always seek the truth from credible sources. It is through informed scrutiny and critical analysis that we can discern the truth from the fabrications peddled by mercenary writers. The truth is that Anambra is not bleeding; it is thriving under the transformative stewardship of Governor Soludo.

_Aburime, Press Secretary to Governor Soludo, writes from Awka, Anambra state.

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Zamfara Gov Dauda Lawal accuses predecessor Matawalle of complicity in banditry, fund mismanagement



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The Governor of Zamfara State, Dauda Lawal, has alleged that his predecessor, Bello Matawalle, was fully involved in banditry issues plaguing the state.

He made the allegation while speaking on a TVC politics programme on Wednesday night and claimed that, based on information at his disposal, his predecessor led a government that was complicit with bandits.

Lawal also accused the previous administration, headed by Bello who is now the Minister of State for Defence, of misappropriating state funds and handling insecurity with leniency.

“Yes, there were a lot of issues in the past with my predecessor. In fact, let me state this very categorically: if I were him (Matawalle), I would resign and face all the allegations against me, which would have been more honourable. From all the information we are receiving, my predecessor (Matawalle) was fully involved in some of these banditry issues,” Lawal stated.

Justifying his claim that his predecessor was implicated in the banditry, he recounted how a permanent secretary under Matawalle’s administration paid ransom through the Government House to secure the release of his children, who had been abducted by bandits.

The governor said, “A typical example is the permanent secretary whose children were abducted, and it was unfortunate that he had to pay ransom through the Government House. It was also very clear, based on all the allegations, that bandits were being sheltered at the Government House. And there were many other issues.”
He added that, if he were Matawalle, he would have resigned to clear his name of all allegations.

“So, for me, honestly, if I were him, I would step aside and face these allegations until my name is cleared, before returning to continue my job. How can you imagine such allegations against him, and yet he remains the Minister of Defence? I mean, that is unfair. This man could have been honourable, stepped aside, faced the allegations, cleared his name, and then come back to continue his job,” Lawal stated.

He added that his predecessor’s file was before the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and expressed surprise that the same person had been cleared by lawmakers and security agencies for the post of minister.

“In May 2023, there was an allegation of misappropriating over ₦70 billion, and when we took over, we realised that ₦70 billion was a small fraction compared to the rot on the ground. All this information was before the EFCC, and I wondered how this man was cleared by the security agencies before being confirmed as a minister. If I were him, I would face the EFCC and say, ‘Look, let me clear my name.’

“This is a man with 41 children, and for goodness’ sake, what kind of legacy is he going to leave for his children when he is being accused of misappropriating such a large sum? He should have come forward, faced the EFCC, and cleared his name.

“But we are still waiting to hear from the EFCC, and the case has been ongoing for over a year now. Meanwhile, this is the people’s money we are talking about. We need this money in Zamfara with all the challenges we are facing, including financial constraints. At the very least, let’s recover some of this money for Zamfara so that we can work for the people of the state,” Lawal concluded.






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Iran’s Ambassador loses eye in deadly pager attacks



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Mojtaba Amani, Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon, suffered severe injuries, including the loss of an eye, after a pager exploded in his face during a deadly attack in Lebanon.

Hand-held radios and pagers used by Hezbollah militants detonated across southern Lebanon.

The incident resulted in one of the country’s deadliest days since cross-border clashes with Israel began nearly a year ago.

The attacks killed at least 14 people and wounded hundreds, including mourners at a funeral.

Witnesses reported widespread panic, with ambulances rushing to emergency rooms and people screaming in pain.

The explosions targeted Hezbollah communication devices, sparking fears of further escalation in the region.

Hezbollah has vowed to retaliate against Israel, alleged to be behind the attacks.

The incident has heightened tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, with concerns about a potential regional war.


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VP Shettima seeks close collaboration among MDAs, as NCP ratifies BPE’s 2021, 2022 audited financial reports.



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Senator Kashim Shettima, the Vice President of Nigeria, has urged close collaboration among ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) of government to actualise the agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu across different sectors.

This is coming as the National Council on Privatization (NCP) chaired by the Vice President on Wednesday ratified the 2021 and 2022 audit financial reports of the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE).

The Council also approved the progress made so far by the BPE in the implementation of its 2024 work plan aimed at strengthening its operations.

The Council’s approvals were among the decisions taken at the 3rd meeting of the NCP chaired by Vice President Shettima at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

A statement by Stanley Nkwocha, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Communications (Office of the Vice President) which was sent to Nationwide Reports stated that the Council also directed the BPE to further engage with the relevant parties in the resolution of the dispute in the sale of the Sapele II (Ogorode Generation Company Ltd) and the sale of coal blocks belonging to the Nigerian Coal Corporation.

In his remarks during the meeting, the Vice President commended the new management of the BPE for its diligence and renewed vision, urging stakeholders to support the realization of the bureau’s set objectives.

He particularly commended the agency for its close supervision and conclusion of the Zungeru Hydroelectric Power Plant concession, as well as efforts to establish an Independent System Operator.

Senator Shettima further tasked the agency to work with the various committees of the NCP and the Ministry of Justice, and come up with a robust road map to expedite the completion of outstanding transactions, in the interest of the nation.

The Vice President noted that making important decisions in the power sector would be critical to tackling the perennial issues in the country’s energy industry.

Presenting a progress report on the 2024 work plan of the BPE, the Director General, Mr Ayodeji Gbeleyi, reported that the Bureau generated the sum of N93.47 billion in the first and second quarters of the year 2024 from three transactions, representing 35.9% of the expected revenues during the period under review.

The DG highlighted measures adopted by the agency to improve its operations such as the strengthening of concession management capacity, reinvigoration of post-transaction management capacity for effective performance and the deployment of best practices in reform optimization of public enterprises.

Also present at the meeting were Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Mr Wale Edun; Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari; Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Sen. Abubakar Bagudu; Minister of Power, Mr Adebayo Adelabu; Solicitor General of the Federation & Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Mrs Beatrice Jedy-Agba; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communication, Engr Faruk Yabo, and the representative of the CBN Governor among others.







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