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Dokpesi: The Big Masquerade Leaves the Stage



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By Augustine Okhiria Agbonsuremi

My first encounter with Chief Raymond Aleogho Dokpesi was in 1994 when he graciously gave me an opportunity to move over to his new radio station, Raypower FM, Lagos, as a Stringer, following the closure of Rutam House and the proscription of The Guardian Newspapers Group, where I worked as a reporter.
The then Director of News, Ladi Lawal, of blessed memory, had accepted the recommendation of Kelly Elisha, my senior colleague on the judiciary beat, for me to be considered on the list of “distressed journalists” of the 18 media organizations shut down by iron man, General Sani Abacha.
The following 25 years were packed with a stretch of professional accomplishments I derived through the massive and, arguably, the most influential broadcast group in Nigeria supervised directly by this colossus.
You can’t work closely with High Chief without being infected by his passion for hard work.
He was a leader who had unique relationships with each one who worked with him. Everyone had an incredible positive encounter with this Superman.
He taught us not to take a no for an answer. We knew through him and the late GMD, Ladi Lawal (whom he said understood his vision more than any other person), not to postpone, till later or tomorrow, any duty that can be performed today.
He was a workaholic.
High Chief Raymond Dokpesi had a character typical to many highly cerebral and intelligent individuals. I call it “Intelligence Malaise “ – the Propensity of brilliant individuals to want to stay guiding and supervising all tasks to be performed. They always want to do it here and now by themselves and in their presence or under their supervision.
We saw him at sites with headpans carrying concrete mix on his head in Alagbado, and he was physically at the outside broadcast locations with the teams to ensure everything ran smoothly at the beginning of AIT.
He was a restless leader who craved perfection in all assignments.
Though “a bloody (marine) engineer,” as he would often refer to himself, he owned the original concepts of many programmes on radio and television. Anytime he calls the news and programmes management teams for a meeting, it is always certain that it would be an ideation meeting over a programme concept. He was the quality control person behind major programmes on the air.
His relationship with staff was more than that of a worker and an owner of the business. He gave everyone the opportunity of access to him.
High Chief was a very informal person, and he could have a meeting with staff on very serious assignments on the spot at any time. Oftentimes, he moves to our offices for meetings. He believes in positive results. He loves you extra if you are result-oriented.
I had a very close and personal relationship with him.
Perhaps he concluded that I took this relationship for granted in my push to get things done correctly. And when I told him during a meeting with top management staff to get serious about how he runs DAAR, he fired me from the company. It was the second time I accused him of unseriousness within two weeks. I was tired of the work environment made toxic by the unwillingness of management to attend to the legitimate needs of staff, including payment of salaries.
The audacity was loud, but I owed him the truth. He knew I was very vocal, and he tolerated me for years, but this time, I drew out his anger, and he gave me the boots.
That was in February 2018, when staff morale was very low, with a backlog of several months of salaries.
I knew it was a hard one, but I also knew it would take a friend to tell him the truth. The outcome was, expectedly, disastrous for our warm and cordial relationship. It was the wrong cap on a blossoming friendship of over 25 years.
During these years, I had phenomenal professional growth and exposure due to his uncommon love, care and support.
For our outspoken and bold interventions in the handling of political programs on the air, we needed his support to do our job well. He gave us support without interfering with the content.
“You will not even spare my friends,” he once told me.
“Chairman, tell your friends to stay on the path of honour,” I responded. And he offered me a handshake, with both of us laughing loud.
There were three occasions he singled me out for unqualified favour. I will tell just one of them.
Sometimes in 1996, just before AIT was launched, and barely a year after I was formally integrated as a staff of DAAR, the newsroom management decided to reorganize operations.
I was Head Reportorial, despite my junior-level position in the newsroom. This supervisory position was artificial because I never really supervised senior reporters. There were senior colleagues supervising all of us. Still, I was experienced enough to put their reports together for Raypower’s flagship news magazine program in the afternoon, Metro Despatch.
The proposal before him from the newsroom management was, among others, to replace me as Head Reportorial with another very hardworking and experienced colleague from the Concord Stable, Bayo Adeyinka.
He sighted me in the premises through his glass office, opened the window and called my attention. I rushed up to his office, where he told me that I was being replaced as Head, Reportorial and requested to know what the problem was.
I told him nothing was wrong, and he asked me to go.
It was the first time I entered his office alone, besides the few occasions I attended meetings with others.
But he had met me in the newsroom on many occasions working alone in the dead of the night when I faced the task of preparing reports for “CASE FILE,” a segment of judicial reports on the Ultimate Morning Show (UMS). On each occasion, he would bang on the Newsroom door, and when I opened the door, he would give me jovial salutations and move on to his regular night inspections of the offices and the live studio.
I was still thinking of the information he gave me in his office when he came to the newsroom.
Unknown to me, he had his plans.
He came into the newsroom with approvals for all the recommended appointments, including my removal.
But he looked up to everyone and asked jokingly what they now wanted to do with “this man,” pointing in my direction.
Before anyone could answer, he announced that because of the transition program by the military and the emerging political development towards civil rule, he was recommending the setting up of the Political Desk.
He also immediately announced that, based on my experience, having studied my file, I was best suited to head and nurture that desk. He also elevated me to Assistant Manager, jumping three ranks above my peers.
From Assistant Manager, Political Desk, I rose through the ranks in over 20 years to the group’s Director in charge of Politics. I served as the Director of AIT Parliamentary Channel on DAARSat, the still-born Direct Broadcast Satellite Services of DAAR Plc.
High Chief Raymond Dokpesi stood by me like a rock to succeed in my office, helping me with contacts, resources and ideas.
He approved my posting to the Presidential Villa as a State House correspondent 1999. He sent me to Port Harcourt as Assistant General Manager/Bureau Chief to run two radio stations – Raypower 1 and 2 – and AIT, the TV station. I had pieces of training at BBC in London and at Cologn and Berlin at Deutsche Welle, Germany.

High Chief Dokpesi watched over our shoulders and protected some of us from being eliminated by military agents during the dark Abacha days. The “NADECO 2” in the newsroom – Adebayo Bodunrin and I (we were political reporters, and we were tagged supporters of the National Democratic Coalition) regularly came under threat because of our work. Still, Chairman would ask us to go under until we were safe again. Ambrose Somide, though not in the newsroom, was also under the same threat because of his voice on radio.
After I was sent on “Compulsory Retirement,” I wrote a letter of appreciation to him, thanking him for my opportunity to use his media platforms to blossom in my broadcast and journalism career. He did not acknowledge my letter.

Before I left for Canada in 2020 to stay with my ailing wife, I also visited him with a bottle of champagne and wines along with Dr. Adaobi Obiabunmuo, Program Manager at PRIMORG, to renew my loyalty and appreciation to him despite the manner of my departure from DAAR.

It was my little way to say “thank you” to this great man who provided me with the platform and unqualified friendship for my 25 years in the broadcast arena.

Recently, I sensed that something was wrong somehow when the High Chief sent a message to me through a comment on my Facebook page to commiserate with me upon the passing of my wife, Mercy.

He didn’t call or send a text message to my phone. I was curious but delighted to hear from him.

He disclosed that he got the news when his “health was very bad.” That line got me worried.
He wrote:
Tosin called to inform me about the passage of your wife at a time when my health was very bad. We prayed for her and you with the surviving children. Be very strong as we pray that her soul should rest in perfect peace and perpetual light shine on her soul. May God grant you and the family the fortitude and grace to bear this irreparable loss at a time she is most needed. Be strong Austin. Take consolation in the fact that she fought a good fight, and you stood by her till the last minute. God bless you and all the kids you now have to father & mother.”

I responded:
“Thank you, my chairman, for your prayers and valuable counsel. May God strengthen you and grant you good health.”
I contacted his wife, Madam Tosin, immediately, and she assured me he was fine and abiding by the Doctor’s instructions.
I was earnestly looking forward to visiting him anytime I visit Nigeria.
No matter what you think or say about him, Chairman, as we called him, positively impacted so much on everyone within his spheres.
I was privileged to have an exceptional relationship with him. I was one of the few staff who exercised the opportunity to get to his bedroom whenever I needed to see him urgently, even when he was resting.
He told me: “If it’s urgent and I am sleeping, wake me up.”
As Director in charge of the Political Desk, I got tips and updates regularly from him because he was always a step ahead no matter how much I tried to get top political information.
Writing about a life encounter with Chief Raymond Aleogho Dokpesi is like writing about the good dance of a masquerade after watching from the sidelines. What you write is what you can see from your corner of the big circle.
And when the masquerade has thrilled everyone, a benevolent writer will not bother writing about the wrong steps and momentary falls.
My chairman was a big masquerade. He had his adventures, controversial steps and style, which can not diminish his towering successes and accomplishments.
As a big masquerade, he thrilled everyone. He had his head well above his peers.
His departure leaves a big vacuum in the Nigerian media space that will be difficult to fill.

Augustine Okhiria Agbonsuremi is the Executive Director of PRIMORG.
He writes from Regina, Saskatchewan,

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Tinubu assures of better business environment as Coca Cola announces $1billion investment in Nigeria



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President Bola Tinubu has reiterated his administration’s commitment to creating a robust financial system and a business-friendly economy that will attract more foreign direct investments.

The President made the commitment on Thursday in Abuja, as the Coca-Cola Company announced plans to invest $1 billion in Nigeria over the next five years.

According to a statement by Chief Bayo Onanuga, Special Adviser to the President on Information and Strategy, the announcement was made at a meeting between the President and the global leadership team of Coca-Cola Company, led by Mr John Murphy, its president and chief financial officer, and the Chairman of Nigerian Bottling Company, Ambassador Segun Apata.

The statement which Nationwide Reports obtained Thursday, added that President Tinubu commended Coca-Cola for its long-standing partnership with Nigeria and for promoting investment opportunities that have employed over 3000 people across nine production facilities.

”We are business-friendly, and as I said at my inauguration, we must create an environment of easy-in and easy-out for businesses.

”We are building a financial system where you can invest, re-invest, and repatriate all your dividends. I have a firm belief in that,” he said.

President Tinubu told the delegation that private sector partnerships, which sustain investments, are central to his government’s far-reaching reforms to improve the business environment.

He pledged that the government would continue partnering with Coca-Cola to expand investments in Nigeria and address environmental issues, including climate change.

”The size of this country is enormous in Africa, and the consumption capacity of Nigeria is expanding daily,” President Tinubu added while commending the company for scaling up its skill development and community initiatives as part of its corporate social responsibility.

Presenting an overview of Coca-Cola’s business in Nigeria, Murphy noted that the company generates N320 billion annually through nearly 300,000 customers and contributes almost N90 billion in revenue to the Nigerian government.

”We are very proud of the growth of the business over a long period and its impact on the daily lives of many Nigerians.

”Beyond the financial impacts, we are also very committed to supporting the communities, and over the last number of years, we’ve had a special focus on several areas in the world of sustainability, water packaging and others, ” he said.

Mr Zoran Bogdanovic, CEO of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, explained that the company’s confidence in Nigerian government policies had encouraged it to make the $1 billion investment pledge.

”Mr President, in your inaugural address, we were very pleased to hear of your invitation for foreign investors to invest and your assurance that foreign businesses can repatriate dividends and profits.

”That assurance gives us the confidence to continue our investments. Since 2013, we have invested $ 1.5 billion in Nigeria in capacity expansion, transformation of our supply chain infrastructure capabilities, training and development.

”I am very pleased to announce that, with a predictable and enabling environment in place, we plan to invest an additional $1 billion over the next five years.

”We believe Nigeria’s potential is tremendous, and we are committed to working with the government to realise this potential,” he said.

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NSITF wants Employees Compenstion Scheme for all casual construction workers



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The Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund, NSITF has called for a joint taskforce with the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI) to ensure that all casual workers in the sector are covered by the Employees Compensation Scheme (ECS).

Delivering keynote address at the 68th  Annual General Meeting of the Federation today in Abuja, the Managing Director of the NSITF, Oluwaseun Faleye frowned at the situation where thousands of casual workers in the construction industry are left outside the coverage of the ECS with the attendant consequence of abandonment in the event of workplace accidents or death. He described it as a dire anti-worker situation, which poses a huge risk to the foundation of safety in the world of work.

He said, “I want to bring your attention to an issue that requires our immediate and collective action, and that is the coverage of casual workers under the ECS.
“Currently, our practice ensures that contract staff are covered by the ECS. But what about our casual workers? These individuals face the same risks, breathe the same dust, and contribute equally to the progress of our projects. Yet, they stand outside the protective umbrella of our scheme. This disparity is not just unfair; it’s a risk to the very foundations of safety we’re trying to build.
“I therefore call for change. The NSITF is open to finding solutions, but we need your help, your expertise, and your commitment. We want FOCI to partner with us in developing strategies to ensure that all construction workers – regardless of their employment status – are adequately covered by the ECS.

“This is not just about compliance; it’s about values. It’s about recognizing the worth and dignity of every individual who contributes to building our nation. It’s about living up to the ideals that we, as industry leaders, profess to uphold.
“I propose that we form a joint task force between NSITF and FOCI to tackle this issue head-on. Let’s explore innovative solutions – perhaps a flexible premium structure or a pooled resource model. Our management team is ready to sit down with you, to listen, to brainstorm, and to implement practical solutions that work for everyone.”

In  a statement Thursday, Nwachukwu Godson, General Manager, Corporate Affairs, quoted Faleye to have stated that steps must be taken to protect the dignity and safety of every individual worker as a pivotal requirement in building a resilient national workforce. Faleye also described the ECS as a safety net and springboard, fostering a culture of workplace responsibility while encouraging best practices in occupational health.

He further charged all construction companies to improve the safety and health standards of their workers, saying that the unenviable record of preventable workplace accidents in the sector cannot be ignored.

“The construction sector, along with manufacturing, has historically held an unenviable record of preventable work accidents in Nigeria. This is a stark reality we can no longer ignore. Our records at NSITF show that a disproportionate number of our interventions for accident victims and work-related fatalities come from these sectors.”

He therefore urged the sector to apply cutting-edge factors that influence the dynamics of safety and health in their operations.

Meanwhile, the NSITF has reiterated its commitment to strengthening collaboration with the Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA).

The Managing Director, Oluwaseun Faleye, stated this during a courtesy visit by the Director General of NECA, Mr. Adewale Smart Oyerinde, at the headquarters of the Fund , Wednesday.
Mr. Faleye pledged to expand all ongoing initiatives, including the flagship Safe Work Intervention Project, which aims to reward best safety practices and improve workplace safety across Nigeria.
He noted that stronger ties between the two institutions are critical in advancing labour relations and social security for Nigerian workers.
He further acknowledged the pivotal role of NECA as a tripartite partner in the management board of the NSITF, noting that the symbiotic relationship between the two institutions has been pivotal in promoting workplace safety as a basic factor in optimizing national productivity, further commending NECA for providing stability to the national economy.

“I applaud NECA’s consistency in pushing the cause of employers especially on issues relating to inflation, interest rate and the high energy cost and other issues key to the employers. We appreciate this because, for us as much as we are interested in the social safety net that we provide from our mandate, we also need businesses to thrive; we need businesses to be alive to employ. It’s in that process that we are also able to execute our mandate.”

Mr. Oyerinde, in his response, commended NSITF’s leadership under Mr. Faleye, noting that NECA’s partnership with the Fund is vital for ensuring sustainable employment relations.

“We will continue to engage, but I wish to first congratulate you on this important appointment. This is a very big time in the life of all of us, in the life of businesses and the survival of the fund as it were. We are fully committed to working with the NSITF to make sure that every worker in Nigeria has access to a safe and secure work environment,” he said.

He also reaffirmed NECA’s dedication to supporting the Fund’s initiatives aimed at reducing workplace risks, enhancing employer compliance, and improved safety standards.

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Zamfara Gov Dauda Lawal accuses predecessor Matawalle of complicity in banditry, fund mismanagement



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The Governor of Zamfara State, Dauda Lawal, has alleged that his predecessor, Bello Matawalle, was fully involved in banditry issues plaguing the state.

He made the allegation while speaking on a TVC politics programme on Wednesday night and claimed that, based on information at his disposal, his predecessor led a government that was complicit with bandits.

Lawal also accused the previous administration, headed by Bello who is now the Minister of State for Defence, of misappropriating state funds and handling insecurity with leniency.

“Yes, there were a lot of issues in the past with my predecessor. In fact, let me state this very categorically: if I were him (Matawalle), I would resign and face all the allegations against me, which would have been more honourable. From all the information we are receiving, my predecessor (Matawalle) was fully involved in some of these banditry issues,” Lawal stated.

Justifying his claim that his predecessor was implicated in the banditry, he recounted how a permanent secretary under Matawalle’s administration paid ransom through the Government House to secure the release of his children, who had been abducted by bandits.

The governor said, “A typical example is the permanent secretary whose children were abducted, and it was unfortunate that he had to pay ransom through the Government House. It was also very clear, based on all the allegations, that bandits were being sheltered at the Government House. And there were many other issues.”
He added that, if he were Matawalle, he would have resigned to clear his name of all allegations.

“So, for me, honestly, if I were him, I would step aside and face these allegations until my name is cleared, before returning to continue my job. How can you imagine such allegations against him, and yet he remains the Minister of Defence? I mean, that is unfair. This man could have been honourable, stepped aside, faced the allegations, cleared his name, and then come back to continue his job,” Lawal stated.

He added that his predecessor’s file was before the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and expressed surprise that the same person had been cleared by lawmakers and security agencies for the post of minister.

“In May 2023, there was an allegation of misappropriating over ₦70 billion, and when we took over, we realised that ₦70 billion was a small fraction compared to the rot on the ground. All this information was before the EFCC, and I wondered how this man was cleared by the security agencies before being confirmed as a minister. If I were him, I would face the EFCC and say, ‘Look, let me clear my name.’

“This is a man with 41 children, and for goodness’ sake, what kind of legacy is he going to leave for his children when he is being accused of misappropriating such a large sum? He should have come forward, faced the EFCC, and cleared his name.

“But we are still waiting to hear from the EFCC, and the case has been ongoing for over a year now. Meanwhile, this is the people’s money we are talking about. We need this money in Zamfara with all the challenges we are facing, including financial constraints. At the very least, let’s recover some of this money for Zamfara so that we can work for the people of the state,” Lawal concluded.






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